Archery training exercise
Recently, we make many actitivies for new colleagues to learn about archery.
We invite coach to share news about archery. And how to shoot with bows.
For recurve bow archers, the posture are very important.
Many beginners the posture not so correct,so normal we will do some posture exercise for it.
And also have a archery equipment- archery stretch band , this can help beginner archers to get the correct posture.
Maybe you can go to a archery club for try archery at this weekends.
Elongoutdoor Team
29th October,2022
Contact: Kelly yin
Phone: 15918632152
Tel: 0752-6920238
Email: [email protected]
Add: No.4 Lianxing Road,Shiwan Town,Boluo County,Huizhou Guangdong,China 516127